This film is directed by the famous Iranian director "Jafar Panahi" who is in prison now because of his political beliefs. "The Circle" won many prizes in the international festivals such as "Venice Film Festival", "San Sebastián International Film Festival", "Singapore International Film Festival", etc. but The Islamic Republic government banned this film in Iran. "The Circle" criticizes the treatment of women in Iran. Panahi gives a chance to amateur actors to play the main roles in the film. All the actors are amateurs, except Fereshteh Sadr Orafai who plays Pari, and Fatemeh Naghavi, who plays the mother abandoning her daughter. I give to "The Circle" 9/10, because I think it has a realistic view to the problems of Iranian Women in my country.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
Where's the Prozac?! After 90 minutes of one of the saddest movies I have ever seen, I felt lucky that I don't live in a country that treats half of its population so badly! Kudos to the film makers for their vision and temerity!
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
A potent movie, portraying much that is now common knowledge among informed westerners. What was very significant to me was the emotional response it was able to elicit in me despite my prior knowlege of the place women have in many muslim countries. Not only a combination of frustration, anger and despair at the gross injustice perpetrated against women, but the pervasive tension and paranoia generated by a police state.I thank my lucky stars that I live in the West, with all its foibles.